Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sunday October 30, 2011

Fished around Pineville the next morning and I was surprised about the lack of a crowd in the area I selected. There were two other guys there that I met on Friday as well as a driftboat in the head of the run, but there was plenty of room down below them. I asked them if I could hop below them and work my way down and they said, “Sure!! Go for it!!”
It was a fairly chilly morning and the river looked very cool with the sunlight hitting it and the steam coming off of it. It almost looked like it was on fire so I took a few pictures. One of the guys above had one on, so it was good timing for everything.
I played around with a few different flies but it wasn’t to be. It was nice to work a long stretch of river on a beautiful day. My friend, Jessica, was also there so we had some water to share but we couldn’t connect with anything. On the way out we spotted about 6 hen Turkeys working their way through the woods. I tried to get a picture but they were on the move and not stopping for any amount of time. It was neat see and a good ending to the morning session. That afternoon we decided to go the Trestle area to find some steel and meet up with my friend Nate. Jess had already arrived and went downstream so I hopped in the area that I was at Saturday morning. Shoot!! I forgot to put in a few dry flies. The fish were boiling here and there too. I went back to the 3.9 ips polyleader and tried the Irish Crayfish plus a few other flies, but I couldn’t get a grab. Nate and Jessica were heading up the trail at that time, so I told them about the fish boiling. Nate had some Muddlers so he riffle hitched one and started skating it down the run. I thought he was going to get one, but it didn’t happen. Nate had been in that section of river for a few hours so he decided to head somewhere else. Jess was ready for a break as well so she went back to her truck. I kept fishing and covering water but I couldn’t get a tug. My Dad was on his way up so I decided to head back to Whitaker’s to have a coldy and get the grille ready. Perfect timing!! My Dad arrived just as I got back, so we went to the store and picked up some Turkey sausage to make some sandwiches…MMMMM.

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